Rumor: Cheap Components Hurting Wii U Development


Nintendo has apparently been cutting corners in places the Wii U can't really open.

French engineering science site, 01net, is reporting that developers are having difficulties making games for the Wii U. Sources suggest that the problem is the hardware built into the Wii U's unique controller, which isn't doing what it's supposed to be doing.

According to 01net's sources, the wireless function of the Wii U's controller does non work in the least, level after three different prototypes. A quaternary version is supposedly on its way, and is expected at the end of the month. Until so, and perhaps after as well, developers are using a wired accountant, which still doesn't work properly, even with Nintendo sending software updates for it on an almost daily basis. Supposedly, the chip that powers the controller is a little connected the cheap lateral, which is making it intolerable for developers to forg on the Wii U's more interesting and unparalleled features.

If these rumors are true – and 01net has a good track record in this department – it sounds like someone at Nintendo has made a really, very big mistake. Nintendo has hardly been secretive about the fact that IT wants to keep manufacturing costs down for the Wii U, but it sounds ilk it might have to recuperate to the draft plug-in – literally – if it can't get the current hardware to work.

Source: via Nintendo World Cover


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